
Elnett hairspray: because it's worth it?

For the past few months, I've been scrimping when it comes to hairspray. I used to be an Elnett girl through and through but started using a Boots own brand a while back due to the cost.

My hair is quite flyaway, so combining autumn with a windy, wet walk to the station/work every day, my lovely Elnett also just wasn't quite strong enough to hold my 'up' hair in place securely.

However, cheap hairspray seems to have dried the ends of my hair out - not nice. So this weekend, I went back to my old favourite and purchased some Elnett.

Elnett promises to offer hold that brushes out easily without any sticky feeling. It really does deliver - however sometimes I feel that you have to use a little more than you would with cheap hairspray to secure your hair, but because it doesn't give that nasty 'crispy' feeling or leave me with horrible dry hair, I think it's worth it.

Elnett comes in three sizes: a small handbag size, a 200ml (which I bought) and a giant 400ml can. I paid £4.00 for my 200ml can, which given the difference it makes to my hair, isn't that bad at all. It will probably last about a month or so, and I use it every day pretty much.

I think I'm back to being an Elnett convert once more!


  1. I love Elnett hair spray too, worth the money in my eyes

    1. It's definitely the best hairspray i've tried.

  2. Elnett is my favourite hair spray of all time, nothing holds a curl in my hair like it x

  3. I don't wear hair spay often but need to buy some with holding power might try this

    1. It's great - definitely worth the extra couple of £.

  4. Tresseme hair spray is really amazing for not drying out your hair as well, I use it on mine as mine dries out from all the blow drying or use a styling spray and thatll help dry hair! Love elnett as well :)



    1. Thanks for the tip. I might have to give Tresseme a go :)


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